June Minutes RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for June 12th, 2023

Open Session: 6:30 P.M.

Call to order: 6:32P.M.

Roll CallPresentExcusedAbsent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024)        X  
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023)      X 
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp 2024)      X    
Dan Welch, Director (exp 2025)       X  
Stacy Bastian, Director (exp 2025)      X  
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)     X 
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023)       X  
John Todd, Director (exp 2025)       X  


Quorum Present: YES


LeeAnn Williams, Troy Golden, Sheena McGowan, Vianne Todd, Steve Freeman

President Opening Comments: Public comments will be taken after each agenda item. The public will have 2 mins to respond per agenda item.

Approval of the prior minutes: Stacey motioned, Liliette 2nd. Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report and approval:  Stacey motioned, Liliette 2nd. Motion passes.

Old Business

1.Grant Money (Update) County has 10 days to send check

2. New logo (Discussion) John Todd will bring logo options in July

3 Mayor’s Race-(LeeAnn) Catherine Shermer in the lead. Tonia motioned that we offer a Junior Mayor candidacy to co run with an existing Mayor Candidate, Troy 2nd, John, Liliette, Stacey opposed. Motion Passes

4. Vacant Seat (Wendy) Wendy seated Troy Golden as our new Director

5. City map cartoon drawing (Tonia) Tonia is meeting with artist June 13th to discuss

6. Bylaws (Wendy, Dan, Tonia) Safe does not allow cash back with the type of account the Chamber has. Discussed 4 missed meetings a year should mean resignation. If an expenditure comes up between meetings the executive committee as well as 2 directors must agree before any amount is spent. Maximum amount allowed to be spent would be $500. Dan will bring a formal copy to the July meeting.

7. More Business Classes-in lieu of business mixers (LeeAnn) July, fun business mixer. August possible Mayor’s Jeopardy at Rio Java. LeeAnn to check with Library about hosting a class.

New Business

  1. Business of the Month (LeeAnn) Jaeger Tree Service
  2. Papa Murphy’s Quilt Trail (Tonia) Found contractor to do the furring strips at Papa Murphy’s, Tonia motioned we use up to the $1000 already allocated for the Quilt Trail Project. This would cover materials and labor. Dan 2nd. Motion passes.

Other Comments or Concerns

Director Comments: Stacey- RLH has a new principal, Deidra Barlow. National Night out August 1st at 6 PM at the library. Dan- Grange hosting Zucchini Races in August. Tonia- Grange is looking for businesses to participate in the scavenger hunt. John- Neighborhood Association meeting is June 26th at Rio Java. Local group is hosting a lunch for homeless at ground zero on July 1st. Nuway has placed signs on every corner of town.

Public Comments: NONE

Adjourn 7:57 PM


Future Agenda Items-National Night Out may need some donations.

Next Meeting is July 10th ,2023 at 6:30 P.M

Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous We’ve Been Asked Not To Support Ground Zero Homeless, and We Shouldn’t Be Doing It.